Global Media company that focuses on providing unbiased journalism.

*Website still under construction.

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About Us

Hey! We’re The Global Snapshot, a journalism-media company committed to revolutionize hierarchical journalism by providing two major perspectives (liberal/conservative) inside a format of two times weekly newsletter. We also work with businesses - we help businesses to better approach Generation Zers and Millennials with our database of Gen Zers and Millennials, ready to share their thoughts and opinions anytime.

We’re headquartered in Seoul South Korea however our team is located around the world from the United States to South Africa.

How we got started

Harry Shin (our Founder and CEO) founded The Global Snapshot in 2021 from his bedroom and he was tired of reading one sided biased articles from the major media companies. So, he decided to start The Global Snapshot in order to provide different perspectives meanwhile not rely on corporations that supports the journalists/journalism, instead build a business model that self - sustains by creating revenue and profit apart from advertisements simply from journalism.

And we’re just getting started - The Global Snapshot is one of the fastest growing business media brands.

Our editorial standards

Don’t let the traditional media companies fool you - The Global Snapshot is committed to producing journalism that meets the highest standards of accuracy, fairness, transparency, and lawfulness. We believe that traditional hierarchal journalism ruined the core of journalism - where we are committed to provide two major perspectives in a factual and logical manner, instead of implementing facts that are not verified. Any of our perspective will represent hardcore bias - it will be a perspective with logic and factual evidence backing meanwhile commenting from a specific perspective.